As the name (pArtiCipaTe) suggests, with this project we are addressing participation and activism among young people. In the core of all our projects is the mission to encourage young people to become active and responsible citizens, take part in shaping a more equal and sustainable world and to develop a sense of appreciation of cultural diversity.
– to address negative consequences of lack of political trust; – to promote participatory decision-making and improve decision-making among young people; – to build communication skills amongst young people by enhancing their abilities to listen, debate, negotiate and persuade; – to promote young people as agents for change; – to build broader support for EU´s programmes and initiatives; – to encourage young people’s political participation; – to increase mutual learning through the sharing of information, data and experiences;
Con inicio el día 2019-05-11 y finalización el día 2019-05-20.
Desde las 09:00 hasta las 18:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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