• Acción publicada por:
  • Globers

‘In less then one week, we will host in Spain  an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange called “Stereo&Type” in Roda de Bara,near Barcelona- Spain.

Through this Youth Exchange of 9 days  38 participants  from partner countries – Spain,Romania,Poland,Armenia,Latvia,Czech Repueblic and Georgia will learn about the topic. What is all about?

Stereotypes help to simplify complex ideas but, it is dangerous to take them as a representation of reality.
The images we see tell us in a powerful way what is «normal». How and how much minorities and other social groups are represented in media is still far away from reality. For example, in TV shows, movies, video games and music there are more white male main characters than women or minorities. In order to reach a more peaceful and inclusive world, we must begin to realize the stereotypes we have and fight against them, to fight for a more complete and better image of others and ourselves, to accept and not judge our neighbor.
With this project we want to use
MUSIC, DANCING AND CREATIVE WRITING as methods to explore stereotypes. Music and dancing are international languages that will be used to find the common ground. And we will create and share our own stories away from stereotypes. We will pay special attention to create a safe space where participants will be able to express themselves freely without fear of judgment.



Esta es una acción puntual.
Con inicio el día 2019-09-12 y finalización el día 2019-09-20.
Desde las 09:00 hasta las 22:00.

Acción publicada por: Globers


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