• Acción publicada por:
  • Globers
GenderENDers Erasmus+ Training Course

GenderENDs @Erasmus+ training course comes to an end – DAY 5

1-UE’s parlament

We settled the room as parliament room to discuss democratically the set our guidelines as proposals to the European parliament. Participants play active citizenship on decision taken in a parliamentary session. We have to present and defend the ideal laws regarding education and gender while dreaming about better world with social cohesion

2-YOUTH PASS, types of education and Erasmus+

We move to the beach for the last time.Surrounded by palms trees we discover EDUCATION written in the sand. While we are talking about the meaning of it, the word turns into Formal education, IN-formal education and non-formal education. We have a short talk about their differences and meanings.

We take off our shoes and start our ‘life journey’ towards the sea with barefoot.While we grow and the years go by we are learning step by step in a informal and formal way. At some point we stop and the participants are asked to wear just one shoe; they have acquired a FORMAL diploma so the able to look for a job. We continue walking till we reach the youth pass 8 key competences.Each shoe is place in a key competence and we are divided in 8 groups. We discuss every competence definition and try to find examples of lesson learnt during the week while experiencing non-formal education.

We talk about the YOUTH PASS and the Erasmus+ opportunities. Only them we have earned the second shoe. Now the have the values, skills and competences to continue walking in our life with both feets covered and self assured.

3-Final Evaluation

Silence evaluation-Best pizza in the world!

Participants are asked to give a silence feedback about the TC by placing

Taking our boats along the sea of emotions

Each participant is asked to share feelings using colorful boats. Each boat represents an emotion and they beautifully described their ‘boat trip’ since the very 1st day

Youth Pass ceremony and party time!!

A magical light performance is Katerina’s gift to all of us. The stunning show is followed by a Salsa class. David-a professional dance teacher- comes to our hotel to give us a private ‘non-gender based’ salsa lesson paying attention what we had learnt along the week.

We week couldn’t end in a better way!!

And just because ?we all are looking for to love to change the world ….we will keep on sharing and caring!!!

Thanks to INJUVEGlobers team and to all the our amazing participants for make it happen?????!!!



Esta es una acción puntual.
Con inicio el día 2019-05-21 y finalización el día 2019-06-21.
Desde las 09:00 hasta las 21:00.

Acción publicada por: Globers


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