• Acción publicada por:
  • Globers
ESC Volunteering

By applying the methods of non-formal and informal learning, Luis Gómez had the opportunity to work directly with InterAktion’ target group (young refugees) and help them feel self-empowered. Also to able to better raise their voices in public discourses by enhancing their knowledge on political participation, cooperation, democracy, conflict resolution, European Union or identity. Luis’s Work took place in small groups to develop workshops based on your his experiences and ideas. With creative and active leisure activities, Luis did primarily support those young people who are involved only in a few (or none) activities apart of ours.

Luis expereince
‘’Taking part in this project, I think I did grow as an independent, creative person, who took initiatives and deal with responsibilities. Moreover, I can also improved my ability to work in interdisciplinary and multiethnic group, develop and to advance complex projects about human rights, active citizenship and youth work. This experience did definitely contribute to shape my mind as openly international, providing me with the habit of dealing with different cultures and usages. I am really interested in taking part in more projects like this project, because I would like to improve my community in order to make people more consciousness and aware about this topics. I have been selected to work futher in these field , so I am trully happy abouth the experience I have gain with InterAktion No w I know that sharing experiences and knowledges with the other participants is important in order to acquire the skills to spread the information in the own society and motivate people to do and to change something in the own country.’’

What is all about? Will you like to join projects a like?

The ESC — European Solidarity Corps — is a new program of the European Union. It encourages the involvement of young people in projects and activities that benefit the community.

The European Solidarity Corps enables non-profit organizations and companies that are active in the social sector to attract young, committed people to their team.

As a hosting organization for volunteer work and internships in the European Solidarity Corps, the InterAktion association has received the seal of quality and is allowed to apply for volunteer projects in the European Solidarity Corps.

European Solidarity Corps volunteering activities are open to 18–30 year old people, who would like to advocate for and support organisations active in the filed of environment, health, inclusion, digital technologies, culture, sport, etc. Volunteering projects are an excellent opportunity to help where needed, learn new skills, spend time abroad, maybe learn a language — and definitely come back with unforgettable memories.

Do not hesitate, join the Corps!!
Endless thanks InterAktion!



Esta es una acción puntual.
Con inicio el día 2022-02-01 y finalización el día 2022-06-01.
Desde las 01:00 hasta las 08:00.
Ver este vídeo completo te dará 10 puntos. ¡Regístrate!

Acción publicada por: Globers


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