The youth exchange was held in the natural scenery of Roda de Bará -Tarragona 38 participants from 7 different countries met to share their opinions and experiences about the environmental conditions in their communities.
During 7 days there were dynamics and workshops related Ecology to understand what sustainable development really means. We gave voice to our opinions by building a common’ “Agora” where our debates and decisions as a group took place. We analyzed citizen participation and the ways to put it into practice. Moreover, with the repopulation of a local terrain (the protected dunes by the beach) we will be protagonists in a real citizen action.
Local and international volunteers to collaborated on the City Hall’s environmental campaign. Among the activities we built compost containers for the local schools, maintained mountain trekking paths, built school gardens and lead a huge beach clean up to preserve the Dunes Natural Reserve from the invasion plants.
Based on open knowledge, methodologies and collective creation, we did go depth into circular economy system, waste management and real design prototypes (solar shower, solar cooking or biodigesters) that will be susceptible to use in all countries.
The participants were active citizens, involved in their local community and that became multipliers that so thay bring what they have learned during the experience to their local environment.
✦Raise ecological awareness, promote respect to the environment and discover our citizen potential by creating the AGORA (the active participation in citizenship)
✦ Be protagonists in a real citizen action together with our City Hall. The dunes that we will be replanting with trees will undoubtedly be a direct benefit in our town
✦ Become multipliers and promoters of environmental dialogue, understanding conflicts and promoting cooperation to coordinate activities related to the proper use of resources.
✦ Understand the cycle of material in the circular economy and learn to build self-production energy systems bases on open source knowledge.
Con inicio el día 2019-10-19 y finalización el día 2019-10-19.
Desde las 09:00 hasta las 22:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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