The Human Library Experience
The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and, if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.
Expected results – Impact
● Build understanding for diversity.
● Facilitate a greater acceptance, tolerance and social cohesion in the community.
● Create a real connection between people.
● Innovating the approach to challenge stigma, stereotypes and prejudices;
● Give a voice to stigmatized groups of the community, and
● Create support platforms for a greater understanding of diversity and social cohesion.
The line
Objective: To enable participants to examine how they view after the TC, challenge their thinking, and encourage discussion.
Method: Agree or disagree
• Draw a line on the floor, real or virtual, and place the words AGREE at one end and DISAGREE at the other end
• Read a set of statements out to the group and ask the participants to position themselves on the line depending on whether they agree or disagree with the statement.
• Ask participants to volunteer their reasons for their choice; they are allowed to move along the line if they are persuaded by other people’s opinions.
• Remind your participants that there are no wrong answers and that respecting the opinions of others is important.
Erasmus Plus Presentation + NGO Fair
Participants will be more informed of the partner NGOs so they can think, from day one, about joint projects and activities. This session will give you information about the situation of young people in the partner countries and the projects related to the topic: how each community is facing the phenomenon of radicalization: terrorism. Long-term impact: they can share good practices and develop specific activities in communities that are not so developed. Some of these activities will be added in the project proposals developed by the participants.
Projects implementation &Evaluation
Youth Pass &Goodbye
The final evaluation will involve several stages. The first stage will be to open the «» BOX «» and read the notes. Before beginning the presentation of the notes, the trainers will ask the participants to close their eyes and keep a small recap from the first day until the last day. Each participant will read a note until they finish. Stage 2. At this stage, the trainers will draw a pizza that contains «» portions «» with information on accommodation, the trainers, recreational activities, sessions, methods, food, others. Each worker will put a «» point «» towards the center or out (inside the pizza), depending on how happy he is. The third part will be a playful game. The trainers and the management team will go up to the seats and stay in the center of the room. They will ask questions about performance, accommodation, food and ask workers to approach them, to the extent that they are satisfied. The final part of the evaluation will be to complete an individual questionnaire that contains questions about the course objectives, sessions, logistics, accommodation, food, etc.
Con inicio el día 2019-09-28 y finalización el día 2019-09-28.
Desde las 21:00 hasta las 20:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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