The E+ Training Course “Through Golden Glasses” — provided youth workers knowledge, skills and tools to enable them to facilitate the exchange of best practices and to contribute to the growth of social business / projects initiated by disadvantaged youth.
In Comaruga ,Tarragona , Spain 14 Youth Workers we united to work on the specific objectives:
1.Improving the know-how in the social entrepreneurship of 14 youth workers, through exchange of best practices during 7 days of training;
2.Increase no. projects / social businesses (involving disadvantaged young people), through the formation of 14youth workers in entrepreneurial skills / European funds, as well as through financing consultancy, during 10 months;
3.Developing the organizational capacity of the partners through exchange of best practices and international cooperation, promotion and dissemination of the created materials and specific activities (workshops), during 10 months.
Also they tackle other objectives:
To develop participants’ skills in non-formal education with young people with low opportunities and create methods for labor market inclusion.
Before the trip to Spain
A. Preparation phase: Seek context / background in relation to NEET and unemployement, partners NGO will identify issues they / partners will face in the integration of disadvantaged young people into the labor market; identification and sharing of good experienced practices among youth workers.
B. During the trip in Spain , 7 days — acquired information and materials related to creating social plans / projects, models to develop skills to adapt methods to the disadvantaged young people’s profile and community needs; presentations and argumentation skills; will evaluate the situations in which they can implement social policies, will be able to apply non-formal methods for supporting / presenting the created proposals, identifying new working platforms / methods that support social entrepreneurship; know-how. By preparing and implementing the local activities, they will identify ways to promote social entrepreneurship. These will be multiplied in the follow-up phase, by initiating a campaign on the subject of social entrepreneurship.
C. Later on : dissemination and follow-up. Participants did contributed to multiplication of the project “Through Golden Glasses” by identifying the elements that will appear in the guide (even during the mobility period).
The project did achieve all the proposed objectives and learning outcomes because the mobility sessions are planned directly by all partners, seeking their needs, with the direct consultation / involvement of interested youth workers in the project and with the help of complex analysis. Executional phase will be coordinated by Globers that will be the interface between the consortium and the trainers during the mobility and between partners during preparation and follow up phase.
Con inicio el día 2023-09-03 y finalización el día 2023-09-12.
Desde las 08:00 hasta las 08:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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