RALYO (Rainbow Audio-visual literacy for Youth Organisations) is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project which aims at the development of critical audio-visual literacy, awareness and digital storytelling practices in the field of youth and exploring positive impact it might have as a method of working with queer youth. Our goal is not only to foster LGBT+ youth’s self-development but also to facilitate creation of local and transnational young rainbow communities as well as raise public awareness about the situation of queer youth through sharing their personal stories.
– to train two audio-visual literacy / digital storytelling facilitators per partner organisation
– to develop partner organisation’s capacity to use AVL / DS
– for personal growth of young LGBT+ people
– to build and support community of young LGBT+ people
– as tools for raising awareness and invite to change attitudes of broader public towards LGBT+ people
– to understand how young LGBT+ people interact with social media and how does it affect them
Timeframe: 30 months, starting March 1st 2021
Outcomes and outputs:
After the project, organisations will have the capacity to use visual communication tools to build and support communities of LGBT+ young people and to communicate various related issues with the general public.
There will be 3 international project meetings dedicated to implementation of the project, 3 short-term joint staff trainings and 1 youth exchange that will focus on learning and study critical audio-visual awareness and digital storytelling methodologies + YE on transnational level.
About the method
Digital storytelling is based on the assumption that every person has a unique story to be told and shared with others. It is a modern extension of the art of storytelling that has been an important part of social interactions since the very beginning of humanity. However, in our highly-expertise world we are forgetting how reflecting on personal experiences and sharing it with others can be beneficial for one’s personal development. What is more, digital storytelling can be used as a change agent, that is, an inclusive tool because of its accessible media-rich form combining images and music with narratives so popular among youth.
Audiovisual and media literacy is the ability to comprehend and critically evaluate the information that is shared via audiovisual channels (photo, video, audio) and also to create comprehensible content. In the world were users, companies and institutions are all mass consumers and producers at the same time there is no doubt audiovisual literacy is playing an important role as a tool to raise the quality of audiovisual content and also bring awareness what we are consuming and how we can use video, photo, and audio to convey meaningful stories.
Objectives of RAYLO in relation to Erasmus+ objective
The project has been designed in accordance with the general objectives of the Erasmus+ and will meet
most of the priorities of strategic partnership:
Horizontal priorities
● Supporting opportunities for all in acquiring and developing key competencies in order to foster socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life.
● Promote social inclusion — in particular through innovative and integrated approaches — ownership of shared values, equality, social inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination.
● Actively share European common values, civic engagement and participation and foster the development of social and intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy.
● Sharing innovative practices in a digital era. RAYLO will support the taking up of digital technologies in youngsters education, training and counseling. Supporting educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff: Priority will be given to actions that strengthen the recruitment and professional development of educators and youth workers
Field-specific priorities:
● Engaging, connecting and empowering young people by enabling young queer people to connect with, express their views and be heard, increase social inclusion of all young people, building on European values and promote intercultural dialogue and promote knowledge about and acceptance of diversity and tolerance in society;
● Contributing to quality and innovation in Youth Work and its recognition by support capacity-building of youth workers and youth work practices as well as support youth workers in developing and sharing effective methods in reaching out to marginalised young people, in preventing racism and intolerance among youth, and in addressing the risks, opportunities, and implications of digitalisation;
Con inicio el día 2021-11-09 y finalización el día 2021-11-19.
Desde las 08:00 hasta las 08:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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