The idea behind this project arose from the existence large of Gypsy community in
Albergaria-a-Velha and, consequently, the risk of the existence of social
exclusion and discrimination in these ethnic minorities.
The main problem of our project is the social exclusion and the absence of behavior
tolerance on the face of difference. Therefore, we emphasize the needs to
promote tolerant and inclusive behaviors. Social inclusion and diversity is a
multidimensional theme and it´s promotion is very complex and should be
analyzed in different contexts. Our proposal involves confronting this
resolution through the involvement of youth and social entrepreneurship.
Through the training of youth animators, creating spaces where they can disseminate the
previously results achieved, the promotion of sharing spaces for networking and the consequent
creation of new impacts, it is possible to actively act on what is, perhaps,
the main global problem.
The young people who will participate in this Exchange will have the opportunity to
develop their capacity of self-examination and critical reflection on the
origins of society in which they live, contributing positively to become
autonomous informed citizens, aware of their role in society and the cultural
values that surround it. At the same time, they benefit from multicultural
sharing that will open new horizons and with this, stop looking to Europe as an
abstract concept, instead, getting a sense of belonging towards a Europe of
«Belong Feeling»!
This experience will help break down barriers to diversity-related stereotypes, a
problem accentuated with the existence of ethnic minorities in the territory.
Con inicio el día 2019-04-01 y finalización el día 2019-04-05.
Desde las 09:00 hasta las 18:00.
Acción publicada por: Globers
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