
In order to register, it is recommended to have the location of your device activated and to allow your browser to use your location.

Enter your basic data: Your name or that of your group, your username, your email, your password, a brief description, a profile image (which you can change later from your panel) and your interests.

NOTE: The password must contain at least 7 characters, including at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one symbol.

Size Restrictions: Please make sure the image size is equal to or larger than 150 by 150 pixels and does not exceeds total size of 6000000 bytes.

Drag the marker to set your location or that of your collective, group, etc. The purpose of this is for the user map to show the location of Community members. We will not use this information for anything else.

Drag the marker and fine your location zooming in to set your location. Be accurate!
Drag the marker and fine your location zooming in...

When you register, you can add your cover photo and your social network data (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...)
